Negotiations are an integral part of successful businesses. Negotiations happen everywhere in a business environment. Client meetings are incomplete without negotiations. So are interactions with prospective employees. Managers and subordinates have their share of negotiations at different points in time.
GETTING TO YES – Negotiating agreement without giving in, authored by the Roger Fisher and William Ury is a popular book that highlights the dynamics of powerful negotiations.
Tracom this month have released a SOCIAL STYLE Connections whitepaper looking at how SOCIAL STYLE and “Getting to YES” concepts support each other. As the authors point out, “without communication there is no negotiation.” Clearly the relationship-building concepts of SOCIAL STYLE can be applied to improve the negotiating process.

This new SOCIAL STYLE ® and Getting to YES whitepaper is now available for free download. It’s the latest in the Connections Series that includes SPIN Selling, Situational Leadership, Crucial Conversations and many more. All these whitepapers can be downloaded here.
Note: Roger Fisher died on August 25, 2012. The founder and director of the Harvard Negotiation Project was 90 years old.
Blog Courtesy: TRACOM Performance Blog. TRACOM is the leading provider of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence assessments and courses. Read more from TRACOM at
dimenZion3 Talent Consulting, India is an affiliate of Tracom Corporation, the creators of SOCIAL STYLE. Know more about us on