Category Archives: Blog

Trainer Biases and how to navigate them

Posted by:dimenzion3

The feedback results of our training are something we trainers (facilitators if you have an allergy to the ‘trainer’ word) all look forward to. Despite the session being successful, some feedback rating and comments surprise us.   I got thinking about why some people rate the training less satisfactorily as compared to others in the…

5 mistakes managers make during performance reviews in growing companies…and how to avoid them!

Posted by:dimenzion3

Performance reviews, contrary to popular practices are very important events in growing companies. The data post review helps them make crucial decisions related to business planning, budgeting, recruitment, retention, development and engagement. It is not only important to have a proper performance management process set up but also train the managers on the same. Below…

Bridging the gap – Generation gap at work place and how to deal with it!

Posted by:dimenzion3

5 Ways to Manage Generation Gap at the Workplace

Building visibility for career growth

Posted by:dimenzion3

So, you just missed that coveted promotion? Were you expecting a higher performance rating this appraisal season, after all that hard work through the year? Visibility matters as much as efforts do, if one wants to grow in today’s corporate world I have encountered numerous colleagues and fellow professional who profess the clichéd “I believe in hard…

HR and Finance – The Payroll Drama

Posted by:Shrivallabh

Raghav and Sonia were forever seen together in meetings. No – It’s not that they loved to work with each other. It’s just that they didn’t have a choice. More often than not, their meetings were not to discuss about work but they were to discuss about how the other person should work. No month…

Fine at 69? – The True Vision Of Freedom

Posted by:Shrivallabh

Congratulations, we are 68! Best Wishes to all readers on the 69th Independence Day Celebrations. Every year, this day obviously does not go without me brooding over everything related to India’s Independence. Right from the freedom struggle of our ancestors to the way the meaning of patriotism has changed over the years. It is also…

The Trinity of Success

Posted by:Shrivallabh

Who does not want to be successful? Every one of us! And how many of us eventually are successful? Depends. We all have our individual definition of success and by our own definition and admission, a large number of us end up being unsuccessful. I am not getting into a philosophical discussion of what success…

Our New Website:

Posted by:Shrivallabh

DimenZion3 has completed a little over a year of operations and one thing we have realised through the last year that change is something that should be accepted and welcome with open arms. We face constant change in the way our clients expect us to perform. We witness a lot of change in the business…

A Life Called India

Posted by:Shrivallabh

India celebrates yet another Independence Day today, 15th Aug 2013. I think of the early childhood days when the Independence Day was all about flag hoisting, school parade, and boring speeches by some big man or lady who did not make any sense whatsoever. The celebrations ended with distribution of sweets and time away from…

Getting to Yes Whitepaper — Using SOCIAL STYLE in Negotiations

Posted by:Shrivallabh

Negotiations are an integral part of successful businesses. Negotiations happen everywhere in a business environment. Client meetings are incomplete without negotiations. So are interactions with prospective employees. Managers and subordinates have their share of negotiations at different points in time. GETTING TO YES – Negotiating agreement without giving in, authored by the Roger Fisher and…

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