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  • By dimenzion3
  • January 27, 2022

Ever wondered why some people get along like a house on fire from the very first interaction whereas some others forge a love-hate relationship for a life time? Ever thought of why you find some people boring whereas some others interesting enough for you to call them ‘My Type’ and want to strengthen bonds with them?

We find various kinds of people in the workplace. Whether we like it or not, we have to work with those people on a day to day basis. We derive immense happiness in working with some people due to the kind of value they bring to the table with their interactions. At the same time, there are some relationships that begin cold and stay so forever – unless we do something about them. These relationships either stay stagnant for the rest of their life or take proportions that adversely impact productivity and possibilities of working together effectively. To one’s eyes, it may seem like God just got busy while creating some people and created in leisure, the select few that we ‘like’. Knowing that we have to work with people who are not really like us or people whom we do not enjoy much working with, how do we best ensure stability and harmony leading to better productivity? The elusiveness of the answer to this question creates quite a frustration in the minds of people.

But help is not far. SOCIAL STYLE is the answer to most workplace relationship issues. TRACOM GROUP, the creators of SOCIAL STYLE provide the best possible solutions to understand one’s own behavioural style, measure versatility and find simple ways to interact productively with co-workers. SOCIAL STYLE is the only inter personal skill model in the category that measures one’s versatility, thus providing deep insights into the impact behaviour has on others. A recent independent study concluded SOCIAL STYLE as the best inter personal skill model in terms of retention and application as compared to MBTI and DISC.

Stay tuned for more information and news on SOCIAL STYLE. In the meanwhile, do visit the following links to learn more about SOCIAL STYLE:

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